Hello! I'm Amber and I'm 24 years old, I want to tell you a little about myself. I consider myself a kind, respectful and very charismatic person. I am quite affectionate but I have a strong character so you could say that I get angry quickly. I also enjoy writing although I don't do it very often, I always try to write what I feel at that moment or what has happened during the day. I have a small obsession with Stich and therefore I try to get a lot of objects related to him, such as lamps, t-shirts, hoodies, but I especially really like stuffed animals. I really enjoy the sound of rain and thunder, especially when I'm going to fall asleep... I'm a person who likes to meet new people and new places, that was one of the reasons why I'm here!
Piercings, Tattoo, Squirting
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